About Link Services LTD South Sudan
LINK SERVICES CO.LTD is a company with a major focus in Real Estate, Logistics and Supply, infrastructure and property development in all 3 spheres of our society i.e., residential, commercial and industrial areas. The company seeks to add value to the massive drive of development currently taking place in both rural and urban areas of South Sudan.
The company is 100% South Sudanese Owned. Our mandate is to be active role players and part of the solution in combating the scourge of Unemployment, poverty and inequality that plagues our societies.
The company is aligned and compliant with the Department of Public works Program of EPWP as an insurer and safe guard that the people benefit through projects happening in their communities both in terms of employment and empowerment.
Our principles
We uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our business dealings, ensuring trust and confidence with our clients and partners.
Sustainable Development
Quality and Excellence
Integrity and Transparency
We are committed to delivering exceptional quality and excellence in all our services, striving for continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
We prioritize sustainable development practices, taking into account environmental, social, and economic factors to create a better future for generations to come.
Deng D. Makuer D.
Mijad Ahmed
Meet the best team ever
Director / Co-founder
Ajah Kiir Monychol
Managing Director / Co-Founder
Chief Engineer
Sarah Clement Mayar
Finance and Admin.